News Release

October 23, 2023 Press Release

 HighChem Expands Tokyo Headquarters in Toranomon: Boosting Collaboration with Japanese and Chinese Hospitality!

HighChem Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Ushio Taka) will expand its office space within Toranomon Global Square on October 23, 2023, adding to its current 11th-floor headquarters by acquiring additional space on the 10th floor. This expansion of the working and meeting areas aims to enhance communication among employees and invigorate collaboration both internally and externally. Through this expansion, we will further embody our mission, "We are the BRIDGE," by demonstrating greater value in our role as connectors.      

New reception space themed around "We are the BRIDGE"

Background of office expansion

This year, HighChem is celebrating its 25th anniversary since its establishment. Since our company was established as a trading company specializing in chemicals, we have expanded our business in response to various changes in the times, and the total number of employees in the group as of January 2023 has grown significantly to 561 people. In addition, at the Tokyo headquarters, there are 192 Japanese and Chinese staff members (as of October 2023) who are familiar with the languages, cultures, and markets of Japan and China, and have high expertise in the  fields of chemistry, leading them to be a driving force behind our growth.

In October 2020, HighChem moved its office to the current Toranomon Global Square and expanded its office space. Three years have passed since the office was relocated, and due to further business expansion, the number of employees has increased, and communication opportunities both inside and outside the company have increased, resulting in a lack of meeting rooms.

With the recent office expansion, we have expanded the entire area of the current 11th floor as an office area, securing space that can withstand future increases in staff. Furthermore, we moved and expanded the visitor reception and conference rooms to the 10th floor, increasing the number of conference rooms, and at the same time installing various designs, creating a space design that will lead to the creation of more opportunities for collaboration.

The reception room's theme is based on Japanese and Chinese hospitality.

HighChem has deep roots in Japan and China. The newly installed rooms are a Japanese-style reception room and a Chinese-style reception room. The Japanese-style reception room is decorated with shoji paper screens and has tatami-style chairs. In the Chinese-style reception room, we have incorporated the tastes of this culture, such as installing tea utensils to serve Chinese tea, which is the basis of hospitality in China.

A large conference room that can accommodate up to 48 people

HighChem has many opportunities to host many global visiting groups, and we hold many networking events in our conference rooms every year. As we often host large visiting groups of over 20 people, securing conference rooms has become an urgent issue.

In our new conference room, we can now seat up to 48 people by removing the partitions, allowing for deeper communication with our customers in our own office.

Overview of office floor expansion

Date of floor space expansion: October 23, 2023 (Monday)
Address: Tokyo Toranomon Global Square 10F & 11F, 1-3-1 Toranomon, 105-0001 Minato-ku, Tokyo
Office Area: Tokyo Toranomon Global Square 11th floor, 1344.67 m2
Reception and visitor meeting room area: 512.16 m2 on the 10th floor of Tokyo Toranomon Global Square

About HighChem

HighChem Company Limited is a trading company specializing in chemicals that has grown as a "Bridge between Japan and China" and engages in import/export sales and outsourced manufacturing of Chemicals. In addition to building a network of bases that covers all of China, we also have bases in North America and Europe. We are also developing carbon recycling technology based on C1 Chemicals technology, and manufacture and sell catalysts. Furthermore, we are developing new materials, such as Biodegradable plastics.

HighChem Co., Ltd. Overview 

Company Name: HighChem Company Limited
Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo 3-1, Toranomon 1-chome, Tokyo Toranomon Global Square 10F & 11F
President and CEO: Takashio (Taka Ushio)
Business:Export/import and sales of Chemicals / outsourced manufacturing / Technology Licensing related business / manufacture and sales of catalysts / Biodegradable Materials import and sales, etc.

Media inquiries regarding this release
HighChem Co., Ltd. PR Division – Kuroiwa (+81-90-6539-4213), Chen
E-mail: Phone: +81-3-5251-8580