Product introductionMarch 15, 2024

Our In-house Developed “Perovskite Solar Cell Hole Transport Material Spiro-MeOTAD” 
Supporting the Realization of the Greening Trump Card “Perovskite Solar Cells”

In October 2023, Prime Minister Kishida expressed his intention to aim for the practical application of “Perovskite Solar Cells” by 2025. This “Perovskite Solar Cell”, also referred to as the next-generation solar cell, is based on a paper published in 2009 by Professor Riki Miyasaka and others at Kiyokawa Yokohama University. Currently, research and development for practical application is actively being conducted in Japan, China, Europe, and other regions.

Perovskite solar cells are capable of converting sunlight into electricity with almost the same high efficiency as the currently mainstream silicon solar cells, and are characterized by their high conversion efficiency even in low-light environments such as indoors. It can generate electricity even on rainy or cloudy days, which is difficult to do with silicon-type solar cells, and because the manufacturing temperature can be set low, it can be developed into film, and it is also attracting attention as a foldable solar cell.

At HighChem, we have developed important components of these highly anticipated perovskite solar cells in-house and are deploying them globally. Today, we had a conversation with Director Zhang of the Electronics and Environmental Materials Division, who holds the key to this important technology.

Product Name: Product Name: Our In-house Developed “Perovskite Solar Cell Hole Transport Material Spiro-MeOTAD”

Interviewee: Mr. Zhang, Head of the Electronic & Environmental Materials Division 

——Could you explain the difference between silicon solar cells and perovskite solar cells?

Silicon solar cells are a type of solar cell that has been commercialized for many years and are made from silicon semiconductors. On the other hand, perovskite solar cells are a relatively new technology that uses a new light-absorbing material called perovskite. Perovskite solar cells are noted for their high efficiency, high flexibility, and the ability to be manufactured at low cost compared to traditional solar cells. In particular, they are capable of operating under low light conditions. Therefore, they can be applied to building exteriors, soundproof walls, narrow areas, etc., and can replace conventional solar cells. They are truly a material of the future.  

They can generate power even in weak light, such as cloudy or rainy weather, and indoor LED lighting

——Could you tell us about the current state of perovskite solar cells?

Currently, companies working on the development of perovskite solar cells are conducting demonstration experiments for practical application. In May 2023, Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. held a “Kickoff for Verification towards the Practical Application of Perovskite Solar Cells” in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Also, Ricoh Co., Ltd. seems to be promoting development for space use in collaboration with JAXA.

Not only in Japan, but also in China and Europe, efforts are being made towards practical application, and in China, research and development of hybrid products with conventional silicon types are also being conducted.

——What is a hole transport material?

Hole transport materials are special materials used in devices that convert the energy of light into electrical energy when light hits them. This material helps to smoothly move “holes” that carry a positive charge when they receive light such as sunlight. The image is that when the sun’s light hits the material, the holes created by it quickly pass through the “pathway” in the material to generate electricity. This allows solar energy or light energy to be efficiently converted into electrical energy.

——What is your company’s developed product, “Perovskite Solar Cell Hole Transport Material Spiro-MeOTAD”?

Our developed “Spiro-MeOTAD” is a hole transport material, an important component of perovskite solar cells. The features of the product are that  it achieves high purity through our unique synthesis and generation technology.  In addition, we have established a system that can respond to mass production at any time, and we can provide a stable supply even when perovskite solar cells are put into practical use. Furthermore, we have realized a low price through our unique technology, so it is a product that can contribute to reducing our customers’ manufacturing costs.

And above all, even for products of new technologies that are in the research and development stage, the strength of HighChem, which is speed response, is also a merit for customers.

——Could you tell us about the background that led to your company’s development?

As the Electronic & Environmental Materials Division, when we thought about our growth strategy for the future, we felt the need to build a sustainable and green business that could contribute to the global environment.  At that time, we realized that some of the technologies we had accumulated could be applied to this pethe need to build a sustainable and green business . At that time, we found that among the technologies we had accumulated in-house, there were some that could be applied to this perovskite solar cell material, which led to our in-house development.

We started development in 2018, made our first appearance at NEPCON Japan in 2022, and received a great response.

——What are your future goals?

Currently, research institutions and venture companies both in Japan and abroad are accelerating research and development on perovskite solar cells. HighChem’s current efforts are to work closely with research institutions and companies to connect the products we handle not only to hole transport materials but also to other materials. We also collaborate with equipment manufacturers and have expanded our handling range to equipment. In the future, we would like to build a system where HighChem can provide everything from materials and equipment to technical support for perovskite solar cells in a one-stop manner. By doing so, we can increase convenience for new entrant companies.

We hope that HighChem’s efforts will lead to the practical application of these wonderful perovskite solar cells as soon as possible, contributing to a sustainable global environment, that is, a better future for our children.

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