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  • Special Feature on the Sustainable Material Exhibition (SUSMA) Exhibitor’s Guide to the Highlights!
AnnouncementSeptember 29, 2023

Special Feature on the Sustainable Material Exhibition (SUSMA)
Exhibitor’s Guide to the Highlights!

HighChem will be exhibiting at the Sustainable Material Exhibition (SUSMA), which will be held from October 4th to 6th. This time, not only polymers (resins) but also biomass monomers and biomass polyols made from plant-derived materials, as well as caprolactone-related products, which are expected to see a global increase in demand, are planned to be exhibited. In the words of the person in charge, it can be described as a “select shop of environmental materials”. It is indeed something that can be done because HighChem has a strong network in the chemical industry in China. We asked the person in charge about the highlights of the SUSMA HighChem booth.

Sustainable Polymers

Mr. Hashimoto

The representative elements of sustainable polymers are “biomass”, “biodegradable”, and “recyclable”. The biodegradable resins, polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), which HighChem has been handling for some time, are also biomass resins and have both properties. Polycaprolactone (PCL) is derived from fossils, but it is also attracting attention because it has marine degradability. Also, bionylon is a notable sustainable polymer that can also be used for engineering plastic applications. We also handle r-PET (recycled PET), so we can propose polymers according to customer’s applications.

Biodegradable Plastic “Polylactic Acid (PLA)” Born from Corn

Mr. Riku

Regarding polylactic acid (PLA), we have been developing the market in Japan since 2020. Now, the production capacity of our partner Toyohara Group has become the world’s largest manufacturer with 400,000 tons/year. In addition, the Toyohara Group is conducting research and development with a view to converting the raw material corn into non-edible raw materials such as straw, and we can expect further sustainability.

“Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)” that is Biomass and Biodegrades in the Ocean

Mr. Riku

PHA is a sustainable polymer gaining high attention because it is biomass and can also decompose in the ocean. However, there is a problem that it is too hard and has poor moldability when it is a homopolymer. The PHA handled by HighChem has improved moldability by copolymerization technology, and we have a lineup of multiple products ranging from hard to soft.

Sustainable Polymer “Bionylon” that can also be used for Engineering Plastics

Mr. Riku

Like polylactic acid (PLA), sustainable polymers often have constraints on physical properties, such as low heat resistance, but in the case of bionylon, the melting point is over 250℃, and it can be used for automotive applications, electronic parts, etc. It is a notable polymer in that it can be expected to be used for engineering plastics.

The nylon that is generally popular is petroleum-derived PA66, but at HighChem, we have a lineup of PA56, which has achieved a biomass degree of 43-45% with similar physical properties, and PA510, which has achieved a biomass degree of 100%.

Biomass Monomer/Polyol

Mr. Yu  

The raw materials for making plastics and rubber were originally limited to those derived from fossils such as oil and natural gas. Recently, concepts such as “sustainable” and “environmentally friendly” have emerged, and research and development to switch raw materials to plant-derived ones has become active. In bioconversion, methods such as fermentation of fungi are basically used, but high technical skills are required, and it is still in the stage of research and development by companies and universities with high capital strength. The sense is that it is gradually being commercialized.

The first biomass monomers to come on the market were “succinic acid” and “1,3-propanediol”. These two are already mass-produced, and the cost is about the same as that of fossil-derived ones. However, the applications are still limited, so it can be said that development is underway for industrial applications.

The person in charge, this is the biomass monomer to watch!

Raw material for bionylon: 1,5-Pentanediamine
Raw material for polyurethane: 1,5-Pentamethylene diisocyanate

Mr. Yu  

1,5-Pentanediamine” is the raw material for the aforementioned bionylon. With a biomass degree of 100%, by mixing it with other raw materials, you can create bionylon with a biomass degree of about 40% to 100%.

And, by chemically reacting this 1,5-pentanediamine, what is generated is “1,5-Pentamethylene diisocyanate”, which is a raw material for polyurethane. The raw materials for polyurethane, which are used in car seats and the like, basically require two raw materials, isocyanate and polyol. Isocyanate is difficult to convert into biomass, which has made it difficult to convert polyurethane into biomass. In that sense, “1,5-Pentamethylene diisocyanate”, which has achieved a biomass degree of about 70%, can be said to be a groundbreaking product.


Mr. Yu  

Lactide is a monomer that becomes the raw material for polylactic acid (PLA). By using lactide, lactic acid units can be introduced, and it becomes possible to enhance the functionality of the resin and impart biodegradability. At HighChem, we have a lineup of L-lactide and M-lactide derived from L-lactic acid and D-lactide derived from D-lactic acid, which are manufactured in China.

Furandicarboxylic Acid

Ms. Odamura

Furandicarboxylic acid is one of the most notable monomers in the future, as it becomes the raw material for a polymer called PEF, which is an alternative to PET, which is the raw material for PET bottles and the like. Development has been progressing in Europe and the United States, but in the last 2-3 years, it has also started to be manufactured in China. I have heard that the PET bottles used at the time of the Tokyo Olympics were also made from this material, and if research on alternatives to PET progresses more and more in the future, it could become a material that can greatly contribute to the biomass of plastics.

Caprolactone-related products

ε-Caprolactone (Epsilon-Caprolactone)

Ms. Dai

ε-Caprolactone is a monomer that is applied to various industries such as the enhancement of various polymers and biodegradable resins. In July of this year, a Chinese manufacturer affiliated with HighChem developed a technology with higher safety compared to conventional methods, establishing a stable production system and expanding the annual production capacity by 11 times, reaching 55,000 tons/year.

Until now, the application fields of  ε-caprolactone have been limited due to the impact of production volume, but it is expected that applied research will become more active.


Ms. Dai

PCL (Polycaprolactone) is a chemically synthesized biodegradable plastic derived from fossils, obtained by synthesizing ε-caprolactone. It has high biocompatibility and decomposes into water and CO2 when exposed to heat, humidity, and microorganisms. It is a biodegradable plastic that has been attracting attention recently due to its high degradability in natural environments such as the ocean. Practical applications to plastics, films, and fibers have been realized, and it is also used for sutures and mulch films.

Caprolactone Polyol

Ms. Dai

It is a type of polyol used in the manufacture of polyurethane. Compared to other types of polyols, it excels in wear resistance, heat resistance, and low-temperature characteristics, and can synthesize well-balanced polyurethane.

A Word from the Person in Charge Regarding the SUSMA Exhibition

Mr. Yu  

Regarding biomass monomers, due to the high technical skills required for production, the number of products that are popular and their physical properties are limited. We receive inquiries saying that they want this kind of monomer because they want to make this kind of biomass product, but it’s not that easy yet, so rather, it’s the current situation that each company is developing new biomass polymers and researching and developing how to make use of them.

At the SUSMA exhibition, I think that by getting to know the environmental materials introduced by HighChem widely, we can expect further development of applications.

Mr. Hashimoto

In this exhibition, we are introducing sustainable polymers, biomass monomers, and polyols that could be alternatives to petroleum-derived polyester, nylon, and polyurethane. The strength of HighChem is not only polymers, but also the ability to propose one-stop comprehensiveness, including monomers and polyols.

At this SUSMA exhibition, I would like to expand our recognition as a select shop of environmental materials.

Sustainable Material Exhibition Venue

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