People working at HighChem July 5, 2023

Working with Gen Z at HighChem: Young Professionals Roundtable #2

This is the second roundtable discussion with young professionals. Continuing from the last time, we gathered three Gen Z individuals working at HighChem to talk about HighChem’s culture and the rewarding aspects of their work.


Trade Department, Agricultural Chemicals Division, Pesticides Section, Joined in August 2019
While majoring in chemical engineering at a university in China, Xie developed an interest in Japanese culture and obtained Level 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test through self-study. When considering career paths during his senior year, he found HighChem’s website and applied out of interest. After an interview, he joined the company upon graduation.


Trade Department, Functional Polymer Division, Joined in November 2021
Endo went to a university in Taiwan and majored in corporate management, learning how to manage business from multiple angles. Drawing from his university classes and part-time job experience at a manufacturer, he aimed to become a “bridge between Japan and the Chinese-speaking world” using his Chinese language skills during his job search. He also wanted to be involved with environmentally conscious materials. These were his main motivations when he decided to join HighChem.


Corporate Division, Accounting and Finance Department, Accounting Section, Joined in December 2021
After graduating from a university in China, Fang studied abroad in Japan and obtained a master’s degree in commerce. After graduation, he worked in management accounting at a Japanese company for two years. While considering his next career step, he was introduced to HighChem through a headhunter and decided to change jobs.

——What is your current job?


Last year, I was assigned to the Agricultural Chemicals Division and started as a new salesman. After being assigned, I spent a year learning the ropes with the support of my seniors. This year, I started handling several products. At first, I was worried about what would happen if things didn’t go well, but now I’m getting used to it and working hard under the guidance of my seniors.


I belong to the Functional Polymer Division, which mainly deals with environmental materials such as PLA (polylactic acid). As a company, we handle new materials, and our mission as a department is to develop new customers. Since developing sales destinations is our task, I meet various customers at exhibitions, contact them from the inquiry page on our website, and update my own customer list every day. Also, since this is a department that requires specialized knowledge, I am studying every day under the guidance of my seniors.


I belong to the Accounting Department of the Corporate Division. My responsibilities include accounting for two subsidiaries and consolidated financial statements. Consolidated financial statements were something I was in charge of for the first time after joining HighChem, and it’s a very rewarding task. I obtained the second grade of bookkeeping at my previous job and wanted to step up, so I’m very honored to be able to handle such a difficult task as consolidating financial statements after changing jobs to HighChem. Also, last year, the accuracy in my work was evaluated, and I received an excellent employee award, which motivated me.

——What do you think is the culture of HighChem?


I think it’s the incorporation of both Japanese and Chinese business customs and cultures . Most employees are well-versed in both Japanese and Chinese business practices, and those who aren’t can learn from their colleagues. Although Japanese is the official language in the company, there are many Japanese people who actively learn Chinese. I think this fusion of cultures creates a warm atmosphere in the company. We have an interesting culture where “Happy New Year” and “新年好” greetings are exchanged during the Japanese New Year and Lunar New Year in January and February.


Yes, I agree. Also, the fact that  there is little overtime is a good part of our culture. I get the impression that everyone can work efficiently at their own pace. Departments like accounting that manage numbers tend to have a lot of overtime, but at HighChem, there is a consciousness to work efficiently within the allotted time, and we can smoothly proceed with our work without much overtime. Also, we are not bound by rigid rules when advancing our work. It’s also good that individual discretion is somewhat recognized.


HighChem has a slogan, “High Speed, High Tech, HighChem,” and I really feel that “High Speed” is part of HighChem’s culture.  When I was working part-time in Taiwan, I often interacted with Japanese companies, and it often took a long time to get approval. I thought that this was due to the reliability of Japanese companies. But at HighChem, “efficiency” is also valued, and if necessary, the head of the department will quickly approve, and I feel that it is a company with a good sense of light footwork I feel that efficiency and speed are incorporated into HighChem’s culture.

——Please tell us about the rewarding aspects of working at HighChem.


When I joined the company, I think HighChem’s sales were just over 50 billion yen, but in last year’s consolidated financial results, it exceeded 100 billion yen, and the company has made significant progress. Also, in the past few years, my job content has diversified, and I have been able to broaden my experience by handling various products and tasks in different fields. It’s very gratifying to feel that I’m growing along with the company’s development. Also, I became a salesperson last year, and the chemical technology work I did in my previous department is useful in my current sales activities. I find it very rewarding to be able to utilize the knowledge and experience I have accumulated so far.


What I find rewarding about working at HighChem is that I can play the role of a “bridge between Japan and China,” and I can be a useful presence for people in Japan and China. The desire to become a “bridge between Japan and China,” which was the main focus of my job hunting, has been realized, and I feel a great sense of reward in feeling that my work is contributing to society.


The rewarding aspect of working at HighChem for me is that I can gain a wide range of experience from general accounting tasks to consolidated operations. Not only the lower-level tasks but also the overall experience allows me to feel my own growth.

——Finally, could you tell us about your future goals?


Firstly, I want to secure and further expand the sales base of the products I’m currently in charge of. I also want to explore new products and fields.


I want to further enhance my professional skills in my work. Currently, I need to ask my superiors while proceeding with my tasks, but I want to become fully competent and be able to demonstrate my skills.


My short-term goal is to build the foundation of my sales skills and material knowledge. Right now, I’m watching how my seniors work, and I feel there are countless areas where I need to improve and learn. I want to acquire the basics as soon as possible and become a salesperson who can contribute to the department.

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