Chinese Business Etiquette June 22, 2023

Five Etiquette Rules to Follow at Chinese Banquets
Chinese Business Manners Course #1 Banquet/Entertainment Edition

China, a country that’s close yet far. There are many business manners in China that can lead to serious consequences if you make a single mistake, and no one tells you about them. At HighChem, we have many salespeople who are well-versed in Japanese and Chinese culture and business manners! On HighChem’s owned media, We are the BRIDGE, these HighChem salespeople will teach you the latest, real Chinese business manners that you’ll want to know if you’re going on a business trip to China!

The first installment is the “Banquet and Reception Edition”. We’ve enlisted the help of two salespeople who handle over 100 receptions a year in Japan and China to introduce the five rules you should follow at banquets in China, especially during receptions!

Today’s interviewees:

Director Hass, C1 Chemical Division
Joined HighChem in 2011. 
Since joining the company, he has been involved in joint venture and technology licensing projects with Chinese companies in the planning and development department, the predecessor of the current C1 Chemical Division.

Section Chief Wu, Hydrogen Energy Section, C1 Chemical Division
Joined HighChem in 2018.
During his business trips to China, which take up half of the year, he handles almost daily negotiations and banquets with Chinese state-owned enterprises and large corporations.

Article 1
In China, a night banquet is not just a meal
It should be seen as an important “business negotiation venue”

──In Japan, it’s common for the banquet after a meeting to be more of a social gathering. Is it different in China?

Wu: Yes, that’s right. In Japan, it’s common for the meeting itself to be extended, or to take a break before moving on to the banquet. In China, even if the meeting is in progress, it’s common to say, “Let’s go to the banquet hall and talk while eating” when it becomes 6 p.m.

Also, when we travel to China, the schedule of the person we’re negotiating with may be constrained, so the dining table also becomes an important part of the work. If the decision-maker participates in the banquet, we need to make it a place where decisions can be made.

Hass: Also, the banquet is an important place to build a trustful relationship with an important business partner. If you can build a trustful relationship at the banquet, it will expand the chances of leading to the next business. After a business negotiation during a business trip to China, it’s not good to understand the banquet as just a meal. It should be seen as an “important business negotiation venue”.

Article 2
In China, banquets should be thoroughly “prepared”

Hasu: The most important thing in Chinese banquets and hospitality is the preparation in the preliminary stage. First, the key person in the business negotiation, such as the president, starts preparing as soon as the business trip to China is decided. For example, at HighChem, employees in China start communicating with the businessperson in charge of the other company 2-3 weeks before the banquet.

Who will attend the banquet, who is the key person on the other side, and what kind of position that person might hold in the future, etc., we get detailed information. In addition, it’s also important to know how many people will participate in the banquet, and whether the banquet will be held before or after the main meeting.

Wu: That’s right. What kind of talk does the key person who participates like? If they are interested in Japanese customs and history, it’s better to assign someone who is knowledgeable about such topics to the banquet. If a person who is knowledgeable about technology participates from the other side, it’s better to bring along a technician who can talk to that person.

Hass: In the case of a banquet, the role of the interpreter is also important. However, mechanical interpretation like Google Translate doesn’t work at a banquet. You need to interpret according to the scenario, getting excited, or softening the expressions when it’s better not to translate directly. It’s safer to prepare with attention to the smallest details.

Article 3
In China, banquets should be tackled with the best members

Hass:  Yes, that’s right. A single banquet usually involves 4-5 people, including the customers we invite. We proudly attend the banquet with our best members (laughs). Based on the information provided by the members of our Chinese branch in advance, we carefully select people who are familiar with the topics the other party likes, people who are knowledgeable about technology, and people who are good at interpreting at banquets. Also, it is common in Chinese banquets to serve strong drinks such as Baijiu and wine, so it is necessary to assign people who can handle alcohol.

Wu: Of course, we have members who can handle alcohol, but it would be nice to have someone who has the skill to make the other party enjoy drinking. People who can make everyone enjoy drinking and create such an atmosphere are very valuable at Chinese banquets. Also, people who can perform banquet arts are welcomed. For example, Director Hass sang a Chinese folk song at a banquet, and it was very exciting at that time.

Hass: Chinese banquets are often held at round tables, but unlike Japan, where individuals or groups enjoy drinking, all participants of the banquet toast and get excited about the same topic, so if such a person is there, the place will be exciting.

Article 4
“Drink, but don’t get drunk”
Chinese-style alcohol manners to know

──China is often said to be less tolerant of drunkards than Japan, what do you two think?

Wu: Well, I can’t say that for sure. Even in China, the atmosphere becomes relaxed at drinking venues, and the hierarchical relationship is somewhat relaxed.

Hass: Yes, that’s right. However, I think there are business manners that should be taken care of, such as always matching the glass at a lower position than the other party when toasting if the other party is an elder. I think that the basic rule that must be observed even at banquets is to respect the other party and pay respect to them.

──Is it true in Chinese banquets that “you don’t drink alone, you invite the other party to toast and then drink”? I think there are quite a few Japanese people who don’t know this.

Hass:  Yes, that’s right. In Japan, I think it’s common to drink at your own pace even at banquets, but in China, “toasting” is the basic.

Wu:  Not only strong drinks like Baijiu, Shaoxing wine, and wine, but also beer, there may not be many people who drink alone. Sensually, it feels like, “Since we have such a place to drink together, let’s enjoy drinking together!”

──There is an image that toasting continues at Chinese banquets, but is it okay to say sorry because you can’t drink in the middle of the event?

Hass: That’s totally fine. You don’t have to make a special announcement.

Wu:  In many cases, the host side makes a toast at the beginning of the banquet, but the first toast is with a welcoming intention, the second one is about the content of the negotiation, and the third one is like “Let’s enjoy the banquet!” If you can keep up with these three cups, you don’t have to force yourself to keep up afterwards.

──Is it okay to toast with a soft drink if you can’t drink alcohol?

Wu: There was a time when it wasn’t thought of very well, but now it seems to be gradually becoming okay.

Article 5
The biggest theme is “hospitality”
You should order an amount of food that leaves a little leftover

──I heard that in China, it is considered hospitality to provide guests with more food than they can eat. Is this true?

Wu: Yes, that’s right. If the guests are still hungry when the banquet is over, it’s not considered proper hospitality. However, recently there is a trend that it’s not good to order too much and have too much left over. I think the best amount recently is just enough to leave a little leftover.

──Is it good luck to have an even number of dishes?

Hass:  Indeed, in the north of China, such a custom may still remain.

Wu:  Hmm, it might be my lack of studying, but I might not care too much about it now.

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