HIGHLACT® December 9, 2022

HIGHLACT® Showcases at EcoPro 2022!
Why not experience the future that is connected to “You can throw it away”?

HIGHLACT® is a material derived from PLA (polylactic acid) made from corn. 
It offers a new approach to fashion sustainability, allowing you to enjoy fashion while being eco-friendly.
At EcoPro 2022, running from December 7th, you can fully experience what HIGHLACT® has to offer!

HIGHLACT® Original Collection 2022 Fashion Show!

Let’s wear clothes that connect to the future of this planet - a “You can throw it away” option for fashion

At the booth, we are holding the next-generation sustainable material “HIGHLACT® Original Collection 2022”. Not only is it trendy fashion made with HIGHLACT®, but also the black color completed with the craftsmanship of Japan’s textile industry and colorful printed dresses are shown.

Visitors have expressed amazement, saying "It's incredible that clothes can be made from corn," and have praised the unique designs of the original outfits.

Through the show, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of HIGHLACT®. The exhibition runs until December 9th, so we invite you to join us and explore the future of fashion sustainability.

Featuring Japan’s Leading Men's Fashion YouTuber MB!

Three talk sessions are held daily at our booth.

On the first day, renowned Japanese men's fashion YouTuber MB made an appearance! He provided a fashion review of the latest fabrics in development and men's apparel set to launch next spring.

In a talk session with Mr. Yuichi Taka, Head of the Sustainability Promotion Headquarters, they engaged in a passionate discussion about "The Future of Clothing," which delighted and energized the audience.

Japanese Garden-Inspired Decorations with Fabrics and Materials

At the booth, you are welcomed by noren and folding screens made from HIGHLACT®! The noren, dyed in seven colors with domestic dyeing techniques, are a masterpiece. The 2.7-meter-high folding screens display fabrics developed this season, including denim, fleece, knit, and satin.

PLA 100% noren dyed in seven colors using domestic dyeing techniques.

Students from Tokyo Kasei University Wear HIGHLACT® Clothes!

Students from Tokyo Kasei University are assisting at the booth. They are wearing clothes made from HIGHLACT®, demonstrating the practical and stylish applications of this innovative material.

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